About us

Our History :

Pakistan Cloth Merchant Association was registered with the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan, on 27th January 1960. The new licence No.107 registered with Ministry of Commerce (DTO) was also issued to PCMA on 31st October 2104 valid for a period of three years. It is again renewed for 5 Year From 30th October 2014 to 30th October 2019.

The association was incorporated with the Registrar of the Joint Stock Companies on 18th February, 1960as per Government Policy. It is the only rRecognized Cloth Merchants Association by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan and is one of the oldest Textile Association of Pakistan. It was established with the objective to promote and protect the interest of cloth merchants, manufacturers and exporters of Fabrics & Home Textiles. It is an all Pakistan Trade Body which is in the forefront on all important forums, contributing its due share in the economic development of Pakistan.

PCMA member firms have been contributinga sizeable revenue to the national treasury. Many have been the forefront leaders in manufacturing & exporting field of Fabric / Home Textiles. Being one of the oldest Textile Association in the country, the government of Pakistan gives due importance to PCMAs suggestions and recommendations on all important matters & Trade Policy relating to trade & Industry.


Sale of Certification of Origin Blank Form.
Verification of Certification of Origin.
Verification of Analysis Card for Custom.
Issuance of Visa Recommendation Letter to Consulate./Embassies.
Issuance of Recommendation Letter For Protocol Pass.
Sale of Membership Directory of PCMA Members.
Verification of Salex Tax Amount Undertaking Month Wise.
Verification of Duty Drawback Levis Scheme
Exhibitions / Seminar local & International Informed Through Circular.
Amendment / Update SRO / Circular / Notification from Government Department.


4th Floor, Hasan ali Centre,
Hussaini Market, Near M.W Tower,
M.A Jinnah Road,
Karachi - 74000 (Pakistan)

Tel:     +9221-32444274

Fax:    +9221-32401423

Email: pcma@cyber.net.pk